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Table II.

Literature review of effective diffusion coefficients found for small solutes in different cheese types.

Cheese Composition dry matter (DM) (g·kg−1), fat/DM (g·100 g−1) and pH Brining and/or ripening conditions
Geometry Model Effective diffusion coefficient (D eff) (× 10−10 m2·s−1) Refs.
Process considered Temperature (°C) Brine composition
Solute: NaCl
Camembert (soft-type cheese) DM 410 fat/DM 45 Brining and ripening 14 300 g·kg−1 NaCl pH 4.6 Slab Fick (1D) ~ 2.54 [41]
Cuartirolo Argentino (soft-type cheese) DM 480 fat/DM 51.7 Brining and ripening 7.5 205 g·kg−1 NaCl agitated or brine at rest Finite rigid slab Fick (1D) 3.6 [51, 52]
Feta DM 440 fat/DM 43 Dry-salted 13 Semi-finite geometry Fick (1D) 2.3 [87]
White cheese (semi-hard, Turkey) DM 450 fat/DM 42 pH 5.3 Brining 4, 12.5 and 20 150–200 g·kg−1 NaCl Finite slab Fick (1D) 2.1, 3 and 4 (no effect of brine concentration) [74]
White cheese (semi-hard, Turkey) DM 450 fat/DM 42 pH 5.3 Brining 4–20 150–200 g·kg−1 NaCl Finite slab Fick (1D) 2.2–4.2 [75]
Prato cheese (semi-hard, Brazil) DM 517 fat/DM 53 pH 5.2 Brining 10 150–200 and 250 g·kg−1 NaCl Parallelepiped Fick (3D) and neural network 1.64, 4.25 and 3 [7]
Romano (hard-type cheese) DM 535 fat/DM 38 Brining 20 160 g·kg−1 NaCl Slab Fick (1D) 2.54–3.35 [35]
Sbrinz (hard-type cheese) DM 650 fat/DM 48 Brining and ripening Brining at 12 °C (4 days) and diffusion at 7, 11, 15 and 20 °C 200 g·kg−1 NaCl Touching semi-infinite cylinders (after the brining step) Fick (1D) 1.06 (± 0.15) to 1.88 (± 0.27) (temp. coef.: 0.063 × 10−10 m2·s−1·°C−1) [29]
Cheddar (hard-type cheese) DM 650 Ripening 10 Slab Fick (1D) 1.16 [86]
Emmental (hard-type cheese) DM 600 fat/DM 48 Brining 4–18 250 g·kg−1 NaCl; 0.3 g·kg−1 CaCl2 pH 5.4 Infinite cylinder Fick (1D) 0.62–2.22 [60]
Model cheese (Gouda style) DM 580–630 fat/DM ~ 50 Ripening RH 87% 13 Slab Fick (1D) 2.3 [28]
Model cheese (Gouda style) DM 533, 566 and 638 fat/DM 62, 50, 22 and 12 pH 4.9–5.6 Brining 12.6 130–310 g·kg−1 NaCl; 15 g·kg−1 CaCl2 Flat cylindrical shape Fick (1D) ~ 2.3 1.16–3.24 (temp. coef.: 0.12 × 10−10 m2·s−1·°C−1) [26]
Model cheese DM 370 and 440 fat/DM 20 and 40 pH 6.2 and 6.5 0.5 and 1.5 g·100 g−1 NaCl Release of NaCl from the cheese into water 13 Water Infinite cylinder Fick (1D) 2.74–5.1 (± 0.01) [46]
15 Artificial saliva Fick (1D) 2.81–3.43 [23]
Solute: water
White cheese (semi-hard, Turkey) DM 450 fat/DM 42 pH 5.3 Brining 4, 12.5 and 20 150–200 g·kg−1 NaCl Finite slab Fick (1D) 15% brine: 1.96–3.64; 20% brine: 1.69–3.09 [76]
Solutes: NaCl and water
Fresh cheese Pasteurized cow and goat milk No data Brining 5, 15 and 20 280 g·L−1 NaCl; 15 g·L−1 CaCl2 Cylinder and parallelepiped Fick (1D) Water: 5.71, 8.83 and 9.99; NaCl: 3.56, 8.26 and 9.17 [70]
Mahon cheese (soft-type cheese, Spain) DM 244 Ripening RH 85% 12 280 g·L−1 NaCl; 15 g·L−1 CaCl2 Parallelepiped Fick (3D) Water: 0.078; NaCl: 5.3 [71]
Gouda (semi-hard cheese) DM 565 fat/DM 53 Brining 20 170 g·kg−1 NaCl Slab Maxwell-Stefan (1D) from the core to the edge of the cheese [61]
Solutes: NaCl and KCl
Fynbo cheese (semi-hard, Turkey) DM 470 fat/DM 29.6–36.2 Brining 12 100 g·L−1 NaCl; 100 g·L−1 KCl; 15 g·L−1 CaCl2 Diffusion cell Fick (1D) NaCl: 4.14; KCl: 3.91 [89]
Prato cheese (semi-hard, Brazil) DM 540 fat/DM 52.8 Brining 10 146 g·L−1 NaCl; 50.6 g·L−1 KCl; 5 g·L−1 CaCl2 Parallelepiped Fick (1D) NaCl: 2.6; KCl: 2.77 [8]
Prato cheese (semi-hard, Brazil) DM 540 fat/DM 52.8 Brining 10 146 g·L−1 NaCl; 50.6 g·L−1 KCl; 5 g·L−1 CaCl2 Parallelepiped Fick (3D) NaCl: 2.8; KCl: 2.94 [10]
Other solutes
Lactose in small curd cottage cheese No available information Washing 25 Demineralized water pH 4.5 (H3PO4) Sphere Fick (1D) 3.8 [11]
Lactose in Skimmed Quark cheese (Soft-type cheese, Germany) No available information 4 Touching semi-infinite cylinders Fick (1D) 1.37 (± 0.13) [85]
Sucrose in milk Fat 15 g·kg−1 Contact with 15 g·100 g−1 agar gel 20–24 (room temperature) Touching semi-infinite cylinders Fick (1D) Initial gel sucrose concentration C s0 787 g·L−1: 1.9, C s0 515 g·L−1: 2.6, C s0 279 g·L−1: 3.9 [81]
Lactic acid and NaCl in Pategras DM 544 fat/DM 43 Lactic acid 13 g·kg−1 Ripening RH 90% 13 200 g·kg−1 NaCl; 5 g·kg−1 CaCl2 Finite slab Fick (1D) multicomponent diffusion NaCl: 3.2 lactic acid: ~ 1 [25]
Potassium sorbate in American processed cheese DM 600 fat/DM 45 Brining Room temperature 250 g·L−1 potassium sorbate solutions Cubes (finite slab) Fick (1D) 1.31 [40]
Potassium sorbate in Mozzarella DM ~ 500 fat/DM 45 0.674
Aroma compounds in model cheese: diacetyl, heptan-2-one, and ethyl hexanoate DM 370 fat/DM 20 and 40 pH 6.2 1.5 g·100 g−1 NaCl Release of aroma compounds in the air 13 VASK Fick (1D) Diacetyl: 0.04; heptan-2-one: 0.2–0.12; ethyl hexanoate: 0.18–0.07 [47]