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Gelation of recombined soymilk and cow's milk gels: Effect of homogenization order and mode of gelation on microstructure and texture of the final matrix
Interactions of Casein Micelles with Calcium Phosphate Particles
Lucile Tercinier, Aiqian Ye, Skelte G. Anema, Anne Singh and Harjinder Singh Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry 62(25) 5983 (2014)
Changes in morphological and nano-mechanical properties of the milk fat globule membrane during processing
Thakshila S. Balasuriya, Lydia Ong, Sally L. Gras and Raymond R. Dagastine RSC Advances 2(6) 2384 (2012)
Rennet-induced aggregation of milk containing homogenized fat globules. Effect of interacting and non-interacting fat globules observed using diffusing wave spectroscopy