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3D Raman mapping as an analytical tool for investigating the coatings of coated drug particles
Georgia Koutentaki, Pavel Krýsa, Dan Trunov, Tomáš Pekárek, Markéta Pišlová and Miroslav Šoóš Journal of Pharmaceutical Analysis 13(3) 276 (2023)
Investigation of fine activated carbon as a viable flow electrode in capacitive deionization
Gbenro Folaranmi, Myriam Tauk, Mikhael Bechelany, Philippe Sistat, Marc Cretin and Francois Zaviska Desalination 525 115500 (2022)
Enhancing flowability of fine cohesive active pharmaceutical ingredients
The effect of mechanical dry coating with magnesium stearate on flowability and compactibility of plastically deforming microcrystalline cellulose powders
Use of surface energy distributions by inverse gas chromatography to understand mechanofusion processing and functionality of lactose coated with magnesium stearate
Shyamal C. Das, Qi Zhou, David A.V. Morton, Ian Larson and Peter J. Stewart European Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences 43(4) 325 (2011)
Effect of mechanical dry particle coating on the improvement of powder flowability for lactose monohydrate: A model cohesive pharmaceutical powder